Gegenstand: Englisch
Schulstufe: 3. Kl./7. Schulst.
Beschreibung: 1 - 2 UE passend zur Unit 7 - Florida im Lehrwerk: "The new You & Me 3"
Anforderungen: Intermediate bis Upper-intermediate
Kursersteller: Peter Lerchbacher, von Thomas Schöfner adaptiert

Class: year 2

Topic: mascots

Duration: 1-2 lessons

Author: Mag. Rowena Hametner - Europagymnasium Baumgartenberg

Content: This unit on mascots covers one lesson (including homework) and aims to improve students` storywriting abilities. Both a visual (picture story on Wilf, the toy dog) and a verbal impulse (words that should be part of a story written on a star) have been included. Furthermore, there is a vocabulary quiz focussing on useful words which might/ should be included in the texts produced by the students in the course of this session.

Extra-activities are the music video "Catch a falling star" as well as a handout providing step-by-step guidelines on how to write good/interesting stories. The follow-up activity (ideally as a homework) will then be to have the kids write about an adventure with a mascot.

Take this course to find out about Robin Hood and how he can help you to use the internet in a safe way - so take the chance to become one of the cybersmart students at Eurogym....

EPICT Wahlmodul 01 - Ein Bild sagt mehr als 1000 Worte - GEI